The World according to Glenn

Glenn is our antipodean six man. He is fluent in Australian, French and Japanese, and passable in English.

Sadly, Glenn is no longer with us at SJC. He has taken up a job in Singapore. However, his colourful Aussie vocabulary lives on to echo round the leafy quadrangles. A pertinent reminder of a top bloke. Yeah mate.

What Glenn says
What we say

Choke a darky
Have a pre-outing dump

Biological function (eg. above) of sufficient amplitude to register on the Richter Scale

Mintal Prisher
Pulling very hard indeed

Yeeh, that went off like a bride's nightie
Golly that was fast

The furrier sex

Map O'Tazzy (of cartography)
Way of finding one's way around Van Diemen's Land

Map O'Tazzy (of fronties)
Technical term for a growler

Bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone
Goes like a steam train (of fronties)

Goes off like a bucket of hot prawns
Goes like a steam train (of boats)

Yeeh that'd be rrright
That is indeed correct


I could eat a horse and chase the jockey
By George I'm hungry

He looks like a shag on a rock
He's billy no mates

Sticks out like the balls on a dingo

Shit eh?

Did you respect yourself last night?
I say, were you totally wankered last night?

She's really ferral
She's not that attractive really



'Kin oath
Damn right

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