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3 Practical Stability

We have assumed that the largest growth rate modulus must be bounded by 1 for stability; it is possible to conclude that there will be stability in the sense that solutions remain bounded, provided the largest eigenvalue of $ {\rm\bf B}_1^{-1}{\rm\bf B}_0$ satisfies

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda\vert\le 1+C\Delta t,\ {\rm as\ }\Delta t\to 0,$ (117)

for some constant $ C>0$, since then

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda^n\vert\le (1+C\Delta t)^n\le {\rm e}^{Cn\Delta t},$ (118)

and so

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda^n\vert\le{\rm e}^{Ct}\ {\rm as}\ n\Delta t\to t \ {\rm with}\ \Delta t\to0,\ n\to\infty.$ (119)

This is called Lax-Richtmyer stability.

However for practical purposes, if the modulus of $ \lambda$ exceeds 1 for finite $ \Delta t$ then the calculations invariably become too large to handle. Hence it is safer to require practical or strict stability, $ \vert\lambda\vert\le 1$.

Example: Convection Diffusion

Consider an explicit discretisation of a convection-diffusion equation,

$\displaystyle {{\partial u}\over{\partial t}}+a{{\partial u}\over{\partial x}}=D{{\partial^2 u}\over{\partial x^2}} ,$ (120)

$\displaystyle U^{n+1}_j=U^n_j-{1\over 2}\nu (U^n_{j+1}-U^n_{j-1}) +\mu (U^n_{j+1}-2U^n_j+U^n_{j-1}),$ (121)

where $ \nu=a\Delta t/h$, $ \mu=D\Delta t/h^2$. Using a Fourier mode

$\displaystyle \lambda = 1-i\nu\sin kh -4\mu\sin {1\over 2}kh,$ (122)

so if $ p=\sin^2{1\over 2}kh$,

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda(p)\vert^2=(1-4\mu p)^2+4\nu^2 p(1-p).$ (123)

(a) Lax-Richtmyer Stability

If we write $ \nu^2={{a^2\mu}\over D}\Delta t$, then

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda\vert^2=(1-4\mu p)^2+{{4a^2\mu p(1-p)}\over D}\Delta t,$ (124)

and provided $ 0\le \mu\le{1\over 2}$, we will have

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda\vert^2\le 1+{{a^2\mu}\over D}\Delta t,$ (125)

so that the scheme will be L-R stable for $ \Delta t\to 0$ with $ \mu=D\Delta t/h^2$ fixed. However in practice this is not sufficiently strong, for instance with $ \mu =0.25$, $ \nu = 0.75$, $ \vert\lambda\vert^2=1+{{17}\over 4}p-{{13}\over 4}p^2$ so that growth factors of greater than 1 occur for a range of small values of $ p$ leading to breakdown of a calculation.

(b) Practical Stability

If we write

$\displaystyle \vert\lambda\vert^2=1-4(2\mu -\nu^2)p+4(4\mu^2 - \nu^2)p^2,$ (126)

then $ \vert\lambda(0)\vert^2=1$ and $ \vert\lambda (1)\vert^2=(1-4\mu )\le 1$ provided $ 0\le \mu\le{1\over 2}$. Since we are just dealing with a quadratic all we need have is the slope (with respect to $ p$) to negative at $ p=0$ in order for $ \vert\lambda\vert$ to be less than 1 over the range $ 0\le p\le 1$. Hence we also need $ 2\mu-\nu^2\ge 0$. This can be rearranged as

$\displaystyle {{a^\Delta t^2}\over{2h^2}}\le {{D\Delta t}\over h^2}\le {1\over 2},$ (127)


$\displaystyle {{a\Delta t}\over h}\le \min ({2\over{Pe}},{{Pe}\over 2}),$ (128)

where $ Pe$ is the mesh Peclet number, $ Pe=ah/D$.

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