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1 Minimisation Problem & Steepest Descents

Suppose $ {\rm\bf A}$ is a real symmetric positive definite matrix (so that $ {\rm\bf x}^{\rm T}{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}>0$ for all non-zero $ {\rm\bf x}$) and consider the function

$\displaystyle \phi ({\rm\bf x})={1\over 2}{\rm\bf x}^{\rm T}{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}-{\rm\bf x}^{\rm T}{\rm\bf b},$ (170)


$\displaystyle \nabla\phi = {\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}-{\rm\bf b},$ (171)

so that $ \phi$ will be a minimum when $ {\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}-{\rm\bf b}={\rm\bf0}$. So to solve the matrix equation $ {\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}={\rm\bf b}$ we can try to find a minimum of the function $ \phi$. We can use this idea to generate an iterative method to determine an approximate solution of the original matrix equation.

If we have an approximation $ {\rm\bf x}_0$ then the residual,

$\displaystyle {\rm\bf r}_o={\rm\bf b}-A{\rm\bf x}_0 =-\nabla \phi ({\rm\bf x}_0),$ (172)

will give the direction of fastest descent from the curve $ \phi ({\rm\bf x}) =\phi ({\rm\bf x}_0)$ at the point $ {\rm\bf x}_0$. So we can find a value $ \alpha =\alpha_1$ for which $ \phi ({\rm\bf x}_0 +\alpha{\rm\bf r}_0 )$ is smallest. If we solve $ {{{\rm d}\phi}\over{{\rm d}\alpha}}=0,$ we obtain

$\displaystyle \alpha_1={{{\rm\bf r}_0^{\rm T}{\rm\bf r}_0}\over{{\rm\bf r}_0^{\rm T}{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf r}_0}},$ (173)

so that an iteration algorithm is:

Steepest descents

Choose an initial guess $ {\rm\bf x}_0$ (e.g. $ {\rm\bf x}_0={\rm\bf b}$), tolerance $ \epsilon$ and calculate $ {\rm\bf r}_0={\rm\bf b}-{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}_0$, in loop for $ s=1,2,\ldots$ $ \alpha_s = \displaystyle{{{{\rm\bf r}_{s-1}^{\rm T}{\rm\bf r}_{s-1}}\over{{\rm\bf r}_{s-1}^{\rm T}{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf r}_{s-1}}}},$ $ {\rm\bf x}_s={\rm\bf x}_{s-1}+\alpha_s{\rm\bf r}_{s-1},$ $ {\rm\bf r}_s={\rm\bf b}-{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf x}_s,$ until $ \vert\vert{\rm\bf r}_s\vert\vert_2<\epsilon.$

This algorithm can converge slowly because it may be repetitively calculating the same few search directions with only small changes of components in other directions.


If the true solution is $ {\rm\bf s}$ and the error is $ {\rm\bf e}_r={\rm\bf s}-{\rm\bf x}_s$, the iteration formula gives

$\displaystyle {\rm\bf e}_s={\rm\bf e}_{s-1}+\alpha_s{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf e}_{s-1}.$ (174)

If the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of $ {\rm\bf A}$ are $ \lambda_j$, $ {\rm\bf z}_j$ and the error is written in terms of $ {\rm\bf e}_{s-1}=\sum_j\xi_j{\rm\bf x}_j$ (for some numbers $ \xi_j$, leaving out the $ s-1$ index), algebra gives

$\displaystyle \alpha_s={{\sum\lambda_j^2\xi_j^2}\over{\sum\lambda_j^3\xi_j^2}},$ (175)

and we can find the error at the next step. Using a norm $ {\Vert {\rm\bf e}\Vert}_A={\rm\bf e}^T{\rm\bf A}{\rm\bf e}$,

$\displaystyle {\Vert {\rm\bf e}_s\Vert}_A=\beta^2{\Vert {\rm\bf e}_{s-1}\Vert}_A,$ (176)


$\displaystyle \beta^2= 1-{{(\sum\lambda_j^2\xi_j^2)^2}\over{(\sum\lambda_j^3\xi_j^2)(\sum\lambda_j\xi_j^2)}}.$ (177)

This formula is not much use without knowing the values of $ \xi_j$ but we can ask what is the largest value it can have over all possible combinations of $ \xi_j$. The method to answer this question is beyond this course, but if the condition number of the matrix $ {\rm\bf A}$ is $ \kappa$ then

$\displaystyle \beta\le {{\kappa -1}\over{\kappa +1}}.$ (178)

So convergence becomes slower as the condition number increases but is good if $ \kappa$ is less than around 10.

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Last changed 2000-11-21