1. Problems
(i) Can you extend Imai's
work for the drag to improve the far wake asymptotics - what effect does the
wake have on the drag coefficient - is it just that Imai's formula with is correct
until you include triple deck correction?
(ii) The method used by Meksyn for the far wake seemed to be somewhat ad-hoc. Can the method be developed in a formal asymptotic framework?
(iii) Dean's method unexpectedly predicts the correct second term for the drag on a semi-infinite plate. Can you develop the method in a formal asymptotic context and examine how higher order terms come out. Does the method also lead to unknown constants in further terms?
2. Software
(i) bl0.c
velocity across Blasius boundary layer, results in bl0.out
(ii) body.m
contour potential flow streamlines around parabolic body
(iii) bl2.c
limiting values of and
(iv) composite.c
calculate composite expansion for Goldstein's near wake