Forests and Chases of England and Wales circa 1000 to circa 1850. St John's College, Oxford


Buckholt Forest, Hampshire, in Drayton's Poly-Olbion

Michael Drayton's allegorical representation of Buckholt Forest, Hampshire, in Poly-Olbion

 About the Project


Atlas and Maps

Forest Law and Administration






This site is maintained for Dr John Langton by Dr Graham Jones, St John's College Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3JP

Contact Dr Jones


Forests and Chases of England and Wales c. 1000 to c. 1850

From a seventeenth-century map of Rockingham Forest

A Multi-Disciplinary Survey: Database and Mapping

We gratefully acknowledge the grant of Special Project funding by the Marc Fitch Fund for two years from September 2007, and an earlier small grant in 2004,  the continuing support of St John's College, including seed-corn funding, since 2003, and the British Academy for its Small Research Grant, 2008-9.