Next: 1 Jacobi iteration
Up: 2 Iterative Methods for
Previous: 2 Iterative Methods for
We have seen that discretisation of PDE's leads naturally to a matrix equation
for a vector of unknowns which might represent nodal values of a function,
local averages of a function or coefficients in an expanion in terms of a set of
basis functions which generate an approximation space. In most real problems
the dimension of the coefficient matrix is so large that Gauss elimination is not
a feasible option, so that an interative method must be used to approximate the
solution vector. We take as our model problem
(129) |
is a `non-singular
For any
we can write
(130) |
so that
(131) |
and we can seek an iterative solution by the algorithm
(132) |
We will use the notation
(133) |
are strict lower triangular matrices and
are strict upper
triangular matrices and
is a diagonal matrix.
Next: 1 Jacobi iteration
Up: 2 Iterative Methods for
Previous: 2 Iterative Methods for
Last changed 2000-11-21